Earth to Eden

Lion's Gate

                The Lion’s Gate opening on August 8th, 2021 was an event unlike any I can recall in my four and a half decades of this life.  Not only has this incredible portal opened up from Eden to Earth, but the signs and wonders since this event have been equally impressive.

              The spiritual alignment has been celebrated for centuries. Civilizations as far back as the Dogon tribe of Africa, Sumer, and Ancient Egypt tracked Sirius across the sky.  Sirius’ rising and alignment with the sun was considered a significant event in many ancient cultures.


Sirius’ Position


 As beautiful and unmistakably angelic as these signs have been, they are accompanied by unimaginable displays of true king authority on Earth.  For example, a recent earthquake on September 7th, 2021 in Mexico struck 7.0 on the Richter scale. An odd blue-shaped light in the form of a cross appeared above the city simultaneously, leaving many locals to describe the event as an “apocalypse.” It was one display of the power of God from 2021. 

             Sirius’ position on Earth coincides with the Orion constellation aligning perfectly with the pyramids of Giza, thereby creating a trinity of alignments that open the Lion’s Gate portal.  In my previous books, I asserted that we are descendants of an alien race called the Anunnaki, who built the pyramids.

          Since the event took place in 2021 during the super moons, the date brings forth a spiritual window of new opportunities for abundant new beginnings.

   Another 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck the Alaskan island chain on October 11th, 2021, and a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Greece on October 12th, 2021.  Other incredible events included the fiftieth eruption of Mt. Etna in Italy in less than one year. 

2021 saw multiple volcanoes on the Aleutian Alaskan chain of islands occur simultaneously.  We have seen other eruptions in Iceland at the Fagradalsfjall volcano, and more volcanic activity at Hawaii’s Kilauea.  Each day has witnessed an earthquake of 4.0 to 8.0 on the Richter scale. 

          In 2021, we witnessed heat waves in the Pacific Northwest that broke all standing temperature records and left hundreds dead from heatstroke.  In my new home state of Arizona, the reservoir system that we rely on for water at Lake Mead dropped to its lowest level in recorded history.  Scientists stated this heatwave could have only been the result of mankind’s imprint on the environment. 

         We also witnessed massive flooding in the central United States, which claimed dozens of lives.  Recent headlines read that “in California droughts and wildfires are the ‘new normal” as wildfires reached higher and higher altitudes in that state. Wildfires also spread across Greece and Hawaii, killing hundreds. 

         The 2020 to 2021 hurricane seasons have been the most active on record.  In 2020, 11 named storms hit landfall, and already 8 named storms with landfall in 2021. 

         Louisiana saw two category 4 hurricanes, Laura and Ida.  Hurricane Ida was the strongest storm since Katrina.  All of these events have surrounded a continuing global pandemic, with a new Delta variant that has continued to claim many lives.   Whether to vaccinate has become a hotly contested issue that has divided not only families (my wife is anti-Vax, while I have been forced to get the vaccine to keep my job as a retinal surgical sales representative), but we have seen this become a major political football, with some medical professionals outwardly disagreeing on a multitude of levels. 

          In a recent television interview a critical care nurse was told she would lose her job by refusing vaccination.  She went on to state she saw unusual heart conditions and strokes among those vaccinated who ended, up contracting COVID-19 anyway. 

        Despite all the tragic uncertainties, I witnessed truly beautiful displays of other kingdom power and glory in the form of more incredible angel photos. 

       As a Son of God, I am here to simply bear witness, praying this fallen world changes, or face going down the ship. I maintain hope that somehow the world will wake up to certain realities.  We cannot sustain the current course of action without massive destruction, which could make life on this planet very difficult.

        A celestial event like the opening of the Lion’s Gate Portal is considered one of the luckiest days of the year. The portal is a combination of our sun being in its home sign of Leo, Sirius rising in the skies, and the numerical number of 8/8/2021.




  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Writers Publishing House (April 5, 2022)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1648732454

The Lion’s Gate

The Lion’s Gate opening on August 8th, 2021 was an event unlike any I can recall in my four and a half decades of this life. Not only has this incredible portal opened up from Eden to Earth, but the signs and wonders since this event have been equally impressive.

The spiritual alignment has been celebrated for centuries. Civilizations as far back as the Dogon tribe of Africa, Sumer, and Ancient Egypt tracked Sirius across the sky. Sirius’ rising and alignment with the sun was considered a significant event in many ancient cultures.

As beautiful and unmistakably angelic as these signs have been, they are accompanied by unimaginable displays of true king authority on Earth. A celestial event like the opening of the Lion’s Gate Portal is considered one of the luckiest days of the year. The portal is a combination of our sun being in its home sign of Leo, Sirius rising in the skies, and the numerical number of 8/8/2021.

Sirius’ position on Earth coincides with the Orion constellation aligning perfectly with the pyramids of Giza, creating a trinity of alignments that open the Lion’s Gate portal. In my previous books, I asserted that we are descendants of an alien race called the Anunnaki, who built the pyramids.

Since the event took place in 2021 during the super moons, the date brings forth a spiritual window of new opportunities for abundant new beginnings.

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